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Training Services For a Better Quality of Life

Training Services For a Better Quality of Life

Interventions Plus is a service dedicated to breaking the cycle of violence.

Interventions Plus

Kenneth Nathan

My name is Kenneth Nathan, the founder of Interventions Plus. Not so long ago… I was a teenager, plagued by aggression, struggling with emotional expression. This unchecked rage left to boil over, left some hard years ahead that would greatly affect myself and those around me.

Through many years of life experience, hard work and self reflection I created Interventions Plus to help overcome the learning curve to guide others who have felt like I did.

Anger, violence, and anti-social behaviour are not new behaviours, but they are becoming ever more prevalent in today’s society; yet we are not taught how to embrace and overcome them. We see this behaviour in our every-day lives, across a wide spectrum; from road-rage and disruptive classroom behaviours, to bullying, domestic and physical abuse. We grow up with exposure to this behaviour in entertainment we consume, from our peers and family and in the role models we idolise. This becomes a normalised cycle of unchecked rage.

What We Offer

Interventions Plus is a service dedicated to breaking this vicious cycle, we offer counselling, dispute resolutions, workshops, seminars and courses; all to serve and aid the young generation to conquer these challenges and make positive changes for a brighter future.

“If the only toy a child has been given is a hammer, he looks at everything as if it’s a nail”

Abraham Maslow